I don't know that I'm an optimist, by birth. In fact, my natural leaning is probably to be negative (I’m working on it). But I can say I've learned to be optimistic as the natural result of living a very observant, reflective, and intentional life. What I've learned from my life observations:
1) Most of the things I've been afraid of have never materialized or, at least, not as bad as I thought.
2) Most of the positive things I have declared (in faith) over myself and my family HAVE materialized
3) The evil globalists always declare their plans ahead of time.
Let’s focus on number 3: I now believe that the action of proclaiming in advance is a Biblical principal. God says that He announces all His plans through His prophets before He does ANYTHING on the Earth (Amos 3:7). I believe He does this because He gave Adam (mankind and mankind alone) authority over the Earth (Genesis 1:28). So, if something is going to happen on Earth, it has to be proclaimed and done by humans. Whether for evil or for good. If God follows that rule, that means the enemy has to follow that rule.
This explains the insanity of the darkness always proclaiming how they are planning to take over the world (eg, "You'll own nothing and be happy."). Haven't you ever wondered WHY they tell us in advance? If they were smart, one would think, they would keep their plans secret. However, they declare their plans in advance because God gave Adam real authority over the earth (Genesis 1:28). Not make-believe. Not Playskool authority. Not Fisher-Price authority. Real authority.
Here’s what I mean: it's not like God steps in when we totally mess it up (unless, of course, we invite Him to step in). Otherwise, if He were in charge, He would step in every time and no rapes would occur; every injustice would be ferreted out immediately. Or He would step in just after the rape and arrest the perpetrator. Or He would step in after the arrest and sentence the perpetrator. But that’s just not the world we live in. We are supposed to control our actions before committing crimes. We are supposed to form police departments. We are supposed to install judges and call juries. We have the burden of bringing cases to court and sentencing criminals.
To recap, We know God's not in charge by a few observations:
We have true free will. If we decide to murder somebody or do heinous things to somebody, He does not step in immediately to stop it.1
If He were in complete charge of what happens on Earth, His perfect will would be done, perfectly, every time. But, as it is, we live in a fallen, sinful world and terrible things happen all the time.
Also, consider this: Jesus commands us to pray that the Father's "will be done” on Earth as it is in Heaven (Luke 11:3, Matthew 6:9-10). If God’s will were already being done, why would Jesus tell us to pray for it? So, this alone tells us that God’s will is not always being done (see point 2 above). What’s really exciting about this point is that it underscores OUR authority.2 The fact that Jesus tells us humans to pray for God's will to be done means that we have authority to ACTIVATE His will.
It makes sense to me that if we have the authority to call DOWN God's will from Heaven, we can certainly call UP Satan's will from hell. And many people do that. Thus, the spiritual battle between us and the forces of darkness.
Once you recognize that you are in a battle, there are only two options: engage or quit. I choose the former. Since the evil globalists declare their plans ahead of time, so will we. But, instead of predicting gloom and doom, we will predict positive outcomes. Proverbs 18:21 says that the power of life and death are in the tongue. We must be very careful, then, what we agree with and especially what we speak. If you agree with the Left that Republicans are powerless and injustice will never be righted, you are correct. That's because your tongue is actually empowering the Left. However, if you disagree and say that--no matter what happens--you will fight the sick, evil bastards, and hunt them down, pursuing them in the school boards, the grocery stores, the boards of their corporations, the halls of Congress, the halls of justice, and even into their own homes (and you won't stop fighting them until they are completely eliminated), God will certainly deliver them into your hand.3 It's that simple.
You tell your giant where to get off
David, when speaking to Goliath, said, “This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you. And this day I will give the carcasses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of the air and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” (1 Samuel 17:46). David first proclaimed what he intended to do. Then he followed through. Do you think he wasn’t just a little bit scared? Of course he was. But he proclaimed it and made the choice to do it. So, don’t be like David’s brothers and all his countrymen who stood in fear of the giant. You tell your giant where to get off. Jesus says that He has given you authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19), not some of the power or most of the power, but all of the power.
Heed the admonishment of Proverbs 18:21 and use your tongue to speak life. This is not a fairy tale. It is not hyperbole. This is reality. When the Bible speaks, it speaks the truth. When you gossip and speak negatively over people (especially yourself), I believe you are assigning demons of hate, injury, and death to people (including yourself). Guard your tongue. James says that the tongue is a fire, unruly and evil (James 3:3-12). Therefore, guard it.
Also: Stop putting your faith in what you DO see (or HAVE seen in the past) and start putting it into the Kingdom of God (what you do NOT see) instead. According to Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do NOT see"4. And we know that what we do see is temporary. But what we do NOT see is eternal. Thus, think about eternal things, not temporary things (2 Corinthians 4:18, Philippians 4:8). Putting your faith in “what we do not see,” is to put your faith in the things that are eternal.
Think about this: racecar drivers are taught to never look at the wall. Why? Because you go where your eyes look. So, look where you want to go (not where you do NOT want to go) and use your tongue to speak LIFE.
There are plenty of examples of God stepping in to stop evil things from happening. Most people have some sort of miracle story in their life whereby they just barely missed getting sideswiped by a car of almost lost their life savings, or narrowly missed some other adverse event. I believe these occur only as the result of humans praying and authorizing God to move here.
It also underscores our RESPONSIBILITY to pray often, constantly inviting God to come in, take over, or do His will. In fact, Paul admonishes us to pray without ceasing in 1 Thess 5:17.
See Joshua 1:1-9, Psalm 18:2, Psalm 34:17, 1 John 4:4, and James 4:7
This is the NIV1984 version of Hebrews 11:1, no longer available online.
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